How SMEs can integrate IoT technology to optimize operations

Sylvia Colacios

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fundamental trend that is underpinning the digital transformation of enterprises the world over.

IoT refers to the network of physical devices that are connected via the internet, allowing them to share and collect data in real-time. It can be found in many objects, from household devices to industrial machines. The smartwatch you’re wearing on your wrist, the tracking of your latest Amazon purchase, that’s IoT. 

Latest developments in IoT technology

By the end of 2024, there are projected to be more than 207 billion IoT devices connected worldwide. This number is a direct result of its powerful combination with other recent technological advancements.

  • IoT powered by 5G:

5G-powered IoT allows for un-interrupted connectivity and greater data usage, which increases the stability and performance of IoT devices. The improvements to IoT include lower data latency, more extensive coverage, and real-time data processing, which in effect, makes IoT’s reach limitless.

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